The ultimate considerations
I've only considered some methods, others are totally out of the way.
Poisons/Chemicals (e.g: KCN, Rodenticide, Arsenic Trioxide, Chlorine, Hydrochloric Acid [concentrated], Alcohol Poisoning [>70% alcohol concentration])
Commom household chemicals contain enough toxic substances to be lethal but more often than not they are mixed up and are mostly acids, which are gonna hurt a hell lot when it burns your alimentary canal after ingestion. Desirable substances that are known to be one of the "best" methods, like KCN (Potassium Cyanide) are extremely hard to obtain. Hence for 12½ years olds like me, drop the idea.
-not too sure about minimum lethal dosage
-obvious as suicide (concerns regarding insurance)
Jumping/Falling from height (building, bridge... anywhere higher than 46 meters on land and 76 meters on water will do)
-obvious as suicide
-affect house prices (if it's from a HDB flat)
-may cause trauma to passersby
-poor police clearing up my mangled body (they probably don't give a damn about bloody scenes anymore since they have seen so many cases of such stuff but to counter the belief of "selfishness", I would like to spare a thought for them)
-might be painful and high risk of failed attempt, if not done properly
-might end up brain dead if rescued before ultimately dead
-I heard it takes really long
-I don't know where to hang from... someone suggested doorknob. I don't have a ceiling fan
-rope snapping... I'm fat
-how thick should the rope be?
-what knot to use&how to tie it?
-hanging corpse is a horrible typical suicide pose
-house price gonna drop ( I don't know where else to do it other than in the house... the woods? Yeah. I've considered it before, from a tree. Credits to The Hanging Tree and Aokigahara Forest )
-I'm scared to go alone into the woods
Exsanguination (bleeding to death)
Hell yeah I actually like this but I'm a chicken person I will faint if I see so much blood... cut wrist or cut throat uh
-hell low success rate
-typical teenage attention-seeking behavior if I live
-bloody blade is slippery and hard to hold on to
-horrible bloody scene for family
-again, if I do it at home, house price will drop
-obvious as suicide
-painful [lungs will first feel like it's on fire]
-pretty slow, a couple of minutes of torture before slipping into tranquility
-I don't want my body to be found, so I want to sink I will need to hoard rocks and heavy things to the sea
-more convenient to do it at home, but gonna be obvious and house price~
-if fished out early corpse will be OK but... if I'm going to the sea then... I will be a bloated up balloon
-low success rate
-attention-seeking feat, as with wrist slashing
-takes a long time
-gonna be found in the middle of puke
-lethal pills like barbiturates are hard to obtain
-needs additonal methods combined (i.e. plastic bag, alcohol,helium)
-apparent suicide
-house price...
Strangulation/Suffocation (Apart from hanging,which I've already mentioned)
Plastic bag
-hard to make it airtight
-must be combined with other methods
-survival instinct>I will thrash around subconsciously and even if I'm unconscious I can rip the plastic bag off my head
-might be found before dead
-apparent suicide
-house price
Where the hell do I get a helium tank and how does the friggin thing work
Vehicular Impact
***can be made into an accident***
-no use thinking about trains, now all MRT platforms have safety barriers
-getting driver into trouble for nothing
-high chance of ending up in the hospital crippled instead of the morgue
Ok... This is about it. I've thought about murdering someone or smuggling drugs, then getting the death penalty, but few kids are executed nowadays plus I don't want to kill people and I have no idea where to get hold of drugs.
Eileeeeeeeeen!! NO! Please..PLEASE. wait a while...breathe, Aah Pleaseeeee No!
ReplyDeleteYou are SO damn smart and beautiful And You are my friend..
Just wait a whilee babe.
I am promising You.
Let me help You and You help Yourself too
life can be VERY EASY.
I can tell You ways which will make the pain go away and will help You,You will want to live.
YOU CAN WIN., I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE YOU to the IDIOTS of life who are responsible for bringing You to this place,You are a friend And I care a lot.
I want You to have a full life,where You meet Your loved man,Where You grow old and You die in Your bed,surrounded by fat and beautiful grandchildren. Where You are happy and have fullfillment.I want to meet You too.You are so awesome.PLEASSSSSEEEEEEE give fhis friend Of Yours some time.I will be with You every step of the way dear one,I can guide You out.It will be fun. LETS FIGHT! Let us fight this world,lets not let them win! If You die,then they win. LETS not go down without a fight..Please babe,Everything will be okay.I am telling You...You are strong divine with me and we will win, We CAN win,It is not fair if You die and let the world win,it is not fair if You dont take this chance to live....Will YOU WALK in the light with me? I promise You again,Everything will be alright...You just have to trust me and hold on for a while.
Maybe Your 18th birthday and then choose, I love You Eileen..So please dont go,Deep down,All You really want is to have a full and good life with people who love You and You can have that.
Besides,we have unfinished business !You and I, Eileen Yi Lin Chen, We are yet to change the world.You are yet to help me,We are yet to become billionaires and help people.
Destiny calls my dear one...Please just hold on.
I wish I could hug You and take the pain away,I cant but i want You to feel as if i am..everything will be alright,no matter how bad it is.I want You to think that.I am ALWAYS with You,I want You to know that.
If You die,I will haunt You in the spirit world.
Please just hold on babe....Take care,I hope You will live and I know You will.
It is fate.Maktub(Arabic,Meaning,it is written)
you still have to learn arabic!
My precious little one,Just...*hug
You will be fine,I love You,Take care.
P.S You notice how much time You give to Suicide?
it is o e of the reasons why the thoughts and feelings of suicide come to You.
Your mind is a machine almost,It will help You in ANY direction You take,Your mind assumes that You know best and so it gives Yoh thoughts according to the path You take..
if You look up ways how to help Yourseld,It will automatically make You better.Why Do You want To Die? BECAUSE of THEM,Not You...and because You are in pain and numb,Just Try and help Yourself,It will start getting better,
P.P.S I love you,It may seem that i dont understand and im just lecturing but i really care dear one and i dont want to lose You.?..I know the way out.The light..
p.P.P.S You are beautiful,Both inside and out,it would be really sad and stupid if You died.Love You..Please.please ,please just hold on.
my tabelt is in the service center,when i get it,im going to call You.
You know,Just friends and im going to sing that hunger games rues song haha..
Love You eileen,Take care..
*takes pain away.
You obviously care for Your parents,(House price will drop) They do not give a shit about the house and would gladly live on the streets if their daughter would just be alive.That I know.:)
They would gladly die for their beautiful daughter and work everyday for You.They dont want You to die,neither do I....dear one and neither do You actually..Just....*hug.I AM YOUR WARRIOR.Of light..dear Eileen.
Everything will be fine.
Besides!It is so obvious from Your counters to the methods that you dont want to die.You just want the pain to end.
ReplyDeleteBy any means...So Yeah,.
Ahhhhh baby everythings going to be alright,i feel it(i am always insanely optimistoc,You can try it!)
I will help you live.
In return,I want Your help to set up a world business empire..and my spiritual legacy(we are sort of like hippies,
Sol Hippies has two tiers.
The first tier is for all who want to consider themselves Sol and share its thoughts,We think friendship is more important than theology...we should cherish diversity and celebrate differences,that human beinģs should help each other be haply and surivie in a happy world,That the human race should be united at least in the spirit of love and peace.Sol hippies is open to all,Religions,Atheists,agnostics and so on.
The second tier of Sol is "The Way Of The light".
it is spiritual,not religious...TWOTL is the creed of Sol.
,it is dualist Panentheistic sort of,Nothing is forced o You to believe and You have,Spiritual freedom,
The Creed of Sol asserts that You are forever loved and cherished,infinitely,everything is going to be okay).Humans are divine...and the divine cycle.
Aaaaahhh You are so funny too..Hahaha (ceiling fan may break,I am too fat)
Sigh a contract? with me? A cause will help you a lot..Our cause.
You know whats strange? That EVERYTIME You feel like dying and write something...I get a feeling of "I should check up on my pal,Eileen.." and then i find something and i write for You..
ReplyDeletei dont know how but we are connected i think.
Anyway,You Will live and You will be perfectly okay,You are Among the best and brightest humanity has to offer...I want Your alliance You know? You have my back and i Will have Yours.
Sort of a partnership,Like how ancient warriors used to do.
Why should we be exactly as the society wants us to be?
Oh and i didnt tell You yet but theres more about Sol,I will tell You in detail later,also the businesses...There are loads of ideas and i want Your inputs on them and You to add To them.
We can set up empires! We can be kings and queens in a world full of opportunity.
I always have Your back...and I want You to know that You can trust me completely...and i (have a feeling) that i can trust Ypu completely too.
So my partner.You will be You,see You Soon.
ReplyDeleteI do not want You to go dear one..You are a most best and beautiful person.
I feel it.
Im selfish that way,For not wanting you to go, thats fine.
Let me tell You a little teeny tiny secret.
I feel suicidal too sometimes,i feel sad too but whenever I do,I never ever encourage these thoughts and then they go away.
You have to discourage these thoughts..That is part of awareness.
Sadly,You didnt know that and encouraged them a lot
So its almost a part of Your mind now and its very very hard to let go and they cause You a lot of pain and misery.
You CAN make the pain start to go by starting to discourage Your suicidal thoughts..BUT THERE LIES THE PROBLEM!!!
You have thought and thought and thought in this direction- that suicide is Your friend,that Depression will never go. You have adopted ideologies like these as Your own and they are like Your friends and You do not want to let them go..
I want You to know this,
Every human adopts ideologies and thoughts in order to make sense of this world and to help them.
People choose to be atheists and spirituals and whatever ideology and read up on that and add their thoughts to it.
People defend their adopted ideologies like cavemen and think that a threat to them is a threat to their own existence.
All people love each other and want others to survive and thus try to spread their chosen ideology as they think its the best way to survive.
They fight hahaha but they love each other and dont know this.
You are Are NOT Your ideologies.
You can easily change them to that which helps You better.
You have adopted sucide-depression ideology as a solution to Your problems.
You defend them.
I tell you dear girl,they are not Your friends.
If You are ever to be fine,You have to let them go..
Wait! I KNOW it sounds like I am so horrible for telling this but its the ONLY way out.
YOU have to let go Your suicide and depression thoughts.Replace them with other thoughts.
Thats the part of the ONLY way out of this hell.
Ill tell You a trick on how to do this.
Pretend there are two people in Your head.
One-a commander and the other a soilder.
Whenever You have suicidal thoughts..(they arrive in spurts am I right?)
You hold a meeting in Your head of these two people.
Meeting like this,(You will be thinking these thoughts)
Soilder : Commander Mam, i am feeling sad.
Commander: Why marine? Whats wrong? Giddy up,look lively,cheer up.Remove those thoughts.
SOILDER: YES mam! It was because -(what?, feeling lonely,will not succeed in life.
Commander: marine! Remove those thoughts! You WILL Succeed,besides its TRYING that matters.
Soilder: yes mam!
COMMANDER: anything else?
Soilder: No mam!
Commander: Dismissed!
Holding conferences like these in Your head will help You A Lot.
They will keep You from getting bored.
They will improve Your self awareness.
The soilder is actually a representation of Your mind and You are the commander(You are both;but "You" at Your core are the commander,Your mind will follow You)
THE Conference will help You train Your mind.It is a representation of the actual stuff that is going on between You and Your mind.
Okay so thats that
Part2 - I had to make 2 parts as it said max 4096 or so characters
PART 2- CONTD from "part1" ending-
ReplyDeleteThats no problem
Also before You take any decision, You have a duty to fulfill or You are being Selfish to YOURSELF.(haha just joking dear,i know You dont like being told You are being selfish)
I want You to ASK Yourself and KNOW WHAT THE FUCK is wrong in Your life know what is missing,what is it that's making You sad,what needs to be added,where you are doing something wrong and where others are doing something wrong,what thoughts needs to be changed,what attitudes need to be put on...,YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!.What the hell is it the use to be alive if You do not know Yourself? If You just live like a robot? BE SELF AWARE.
If you do that,You will have power and You will be free.
why wont You do that? Because I said so? Rebellious tendencies?
Because You dont "want" to?
It does not matter what we "Want".
Human wants are just an attempt of Our minds to help us in life.
EVEN if You "want" to die,Your mind is giving You that feeling just to help You out,make things better..haha its ironic.
ARE you a slave Of Your wants and feelings?
It does not matter, whatever You choose,You will eventually start "wanting" things in that direction.
....I am the enlightener.
I AM Anupam(Unique,unparalled).
I want You to also start thinking GOOD about Yourself You goofy little girl
You always think you are stupid when You are most definitely not!
You think You are ugly while You are actually pretty! Aaaaarrrg! Do You see? All these (stupid) thoughts are affecting you and making You sad.
Besides its also a habit isnt it? Ive been an addict lots of times..i know addiction.
YOU are addicted to these thoughts..Im sorry to say(compare the amount of time Yoy spend looking up suicide and stuff to the time You spend reading a self help book? You even made a freaking pros and cons list of Suicide ways!!(remember,i had asked to make a pros and cons list of Your life? THAT WOULD HELP...but You made one of suicide!!! Hahaha DO YOU SEE? You are enocuraging these sui thoughts..
And while You do that,You can not be free)WAIT!! Dont hate me for saying that dear one,its only the truth
But yaaaa dear it will be alrigiht
Everythings gonna be okay
I promise that
Okay lets talk philolosophy(one of my fav subjects)
I guess You are not an atheist but the darkness and the constrains of religions and the paib makes You hate God.
Okay me? I am a Scientific dualist(spiritual and scientific) Panentheist.Einstein was Too!!
I think You are an immortal,infinitely beautiful,infinitely precious,eternally loved divine being of light
My child of light
.lost in the darkness.
I think the world,life is a school...and so much more..the pain is there to teach us and life and existence can be amazing though painful at times.
I think If You choose to flunk Your class
You will just have to come back,there is no dropping out of this school dear one.So dropping out would ve foolish.I do not believe in a hell however.
Anyway...Love You.
Stay safe.
I am always there for You.
Take care now
It would also help if You made friends with Your parents
That would help...i dont know what kind of people they and how self aware are but You need friends.
Dont do anything for me.
Do it for You.
Life must improve..
But not for anyone else.
For YOU.
Have Your own back? Love Yourself unconditionally ?
Good night.
I will see You..this world or the next(we will have serious talks im warning You If its in the next,I am probably a slightly higher spirit hahahaha joke joke see? I always think high of myself can do that for You too)
To my dear friend Eileen, By Anupam
ReplyDeleteLife is a suicide mission.
A Suicide mission is a mission where we keep fighting till the end against desperate odds.
We are the heroes and heroines of life,
We know we only have a snowballs chance of success but we will STILL fight on.
We have nothing to lose and everything to gain.This makes us stronger than we had ever imagined.
We will never give up when we are on a suicide mission.
In life,we will keep fighting and fighting against all odds.
We will fight fatalistically.
We know we will probably lose.It does not matter,we will fight till the bitter and sweet end.
We will not care about the end or the consequences because thats what a suicide mission is all about.
We will just fight and keep fighting and fighting and fighting because THAT is what a suicide mission is all about!!!
All that ever mattered was that we tried...we tried and then we died.At peace because we knew we gave it our all..we gave it our soul and heart and body and nothing else matters.
We will be fanatics,they will call us lunatics!
We will stay awake and we will work when they are asleep because we know our duty is to fight.
Our Karma is to fight and die.
We will LIVE each day as if it was our last.
Our fates are already written so nothing else matters.
We will TRY because THAT is what a suicide mission is all about.
We will try till we go down or we win.
In the end,We will have won either way because we had each other.
We will have won because trying is winning.
A Suicide mission can be won too but all that matters is that we try and we never give up,No matter what
We will Never ever say die.Never give up.No! We spit at the face of life's problems and pain but we never give up.
We will never go down.Not willingly,Not without a fight,Not without putting a dent in the universe like a supernova does when it dies!
We will shine bright! We will shine brighter than them all even if it is for the brief moment of our life.
We will never care what will happen but will just keep fighting till life puts us down because one day it will but that does not matter.
All that matters is that we tried.
In this suicide mission,We will not put ourselves down, We will not kill oursleves.
We will fight.We will win.
Destiny is calling..can You hear the Clarion Cry? We have work to do..You and I.Stay safe.