Last Friday I had my usual two hour long weekly Mathematical Olympiad training and hell, I have to be stuck with the pregnant, boring, soft lady with this chinese accent on top of everything. It's so fucking hard to concentrate and get her words, let alone understand the tedious, JC-Level sums. As you might know, Math Olympiad was never easy (unless, of course, I am profoundly gifted, which I am not) and requires critical thinking and skills and understanding and analysis and inferring behind each and every fucking question. Including even the first few questions in SMO Junior, which is already considered "easy". All of us, like typical twelve-year-olds, were drowsy, bored and tired after a long day of school and sitting for this two hour long lecture is nothing but torture. Horrendous, that's the only word I can find to fit. Practically all of us were either sleeping with our eyes open while our hands moved to copy down the notes from the board (Speaking of this, do you know that they LOVE to give their own hand-outs (a.k.a worksheets) AND they LOVE to leave a couple of blanks everywhere for us to fill in. I mean, I admit it's rather smart of them as this will prevent us from drifting away from the class or shutting down completely as we occasionally need to look up and scribble down some notes in the blanks. BUT. The thing is that the notes are way too much and way too long that we spend the entire time copying while the teacher (her name is Miss. Ye) is explaing so we ended up merely COPYING and not listening to the teacher (you shouldn't multi task anyway, it damages your brain) so we dont really have the time (and capacity) to understand what the teacher is saying - before dropping half - dead on the desk again) (Sorry for the brackets) or doing other subject's homework (efficient time management in my opinion) or looking at our phones. Actually I always use my phone during lessons, regardless whether it's boring Math Olympiad and Chinese or Math (not that Math is very interesting though) Not because of what my primary school teacher used to say, "You complacent girl! Remember, you are not that smart! Pay attention even if you got everything right!" (I personally think that's just a waste of time. I've gotten it right over and over again, means I know my concepts pretty well, right? Why can't I use the time to self-study or do some other stuff to learn more and enrich myself? Instead of listening to the same boring old stuff? Huh? ) It's just, well an obligation to check the mail, or whatever, when my phone vibrates. Yeah, it's a distraction. I admit I'm sort of addicted to my phone.
(x_x) blah, blah and blah...
Boring -.-
Interesting thoughts