So as predicted I'm worrying over the thing. I can't sleep so yeah good luck to me since I'm getting up at 5am which means I shouldn't even bother trying to sleep. Instead of wasting time let me write out something then. Briefly.
So. ASH was closed down by Google because apparently some ばかs reported it for sale of drugs and stuff. After all good samaritans had gotten rid of the original ASH at But yeah we can never be wiped out! The like-minded seeking death nevertheless came together again in the ASH newsgroup. Ta da! We have ASH, the bus stop where we stop and have a chat before catching the bus to the center of the Earth. We don't need people telling us, "Oh life will get better". Well so what ,it's MIGHT. What's the chance? Probably have to wait another couple of years, which is just more tormenting days spent on our dear Earth. Well is it ethical to force people to be alive against their will? NO IT ISN'T! We have the freedom and choice to choose. And suicide is neither a sin nor a crime. It's simply a decision to cease to live at when you deem appropriate. I don't get why Singapore discriminates suicide (and homosexuality. hey guys in the lgbt community don't worry you have people who give you their full support!). It's punishable under section 309 of the Penal Code.
Of course, if you do it properly and you die, they won't be putting you behind bars. So I'm just saying, if you want to do it, do it right! Don't risk going to IMH.
Anyways I checked ASH again today. Looks like either the admins haven't sorted it out yet with Google or Google is just being a asshole.
Google you suck |
Clean potentially offensive content? Which is literally every thread if that's what Google categorize as 'offensive'. Well that's just stupid. And I don't think any asher is happy that our 13 years of history is gone, all because of Google's stupid decision ( which is probably stemms from pro-life enthusiasts reporting our content ).
But, we still have alt.suicide.methods so yeah! You can't get rid of us :)
And chatzy!
Coming to think of it, I'm such a failure. I'm supposed to finish stuff but I didnt
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