Darling You'll Be Okay

Darling You'll Be Okay

Monday, April 27, 2015

Suicide as an option - Voluntary life

I assume that by any chance you are reading this, you are an asher. ( am I wrong ? )

Most of us are all painfully aware of the stigma of certain subjects in society. What have brought you to join the ash community, I am not sure. 

But I know, we all have walked through a horrible journey called "life". People around us refuse to accept us as one of them. We are shunned, isolated from the rest of humanity. Life ceases to have any meaning, as here in this lonely corner, we watch the world go by. At this point of time we start considering the alternative to life. Life's closely related friend, death. Life and death are two vastly different things, yet they are hold some uncanny similarities. 

Both are states in which you can be in. Choices which you can make. Life and death are both incidents related to all organisms.  

Yet life is so strongly advocated for, while death is deemed as sad, taboo, shocking, unbelievable, and most importantly, avoided by all means. Now this we can't blame people, because humans are indeed born with the instinct to survive, to simply, live. It's something we cannot deny. Consider. Why is it for grievous crimes committed, death is given as a punishment? For some, like us, rather, life is a punishment whereas death is a gift. A soothing and comforting thought. For majority, however, it is something terrible to think of, not to mention actually happen to themselves. They follow their instincts, they think living is the best thing they can ever have, hence they cling on to life blindly without considering any other alternative which may in fact be a better option to them. That is, death. This is more so for the terminally ill ( which in most cases do consider death as a better option - unfortunately in many areas of the world physician - assisted suicide ( euthanasia ) is not legal ).

Those who are rational enough to contemplate suicide as a reasonable option receive hostile judgement from society. Judgement without understanding, without placing themselves in OUR situation and perspective. 

Let's look at three of the fallacies of the common statements or cliques made by such people.

1. Suicide is not an option

Hey, dude. Suicide is not an option to YOU? Fine. It not being an option to you does NOT mean it can't be an option to US. Are we in the exact same circumstances? Are we the same beings? No? Then how the fuck does YOUR option concern OURS? If you don't find consuming meat acceptable because you are a vegetarian does that mean we can't include meat as an option for dinner? Does that sound right? I hope this knocks some sense into you. Your options absolutely does not interfere or have any relation/effect with ours. Mind your own business. 

2. I'm sure you will stop thinking about death if you cheer up and be happier.

Holy fuck do you know I would have slapped you in the face if it weren't for the fact that you are not actually standing in front of me. For God's sake how can humans be so apathetic and ignorant? 

Ok. Back to the topic. SO. You think we chose to feel like this??? You think feelings are really, really, THAT controllable by us? That we can just wave to happiness, "Hi there happiness! Do you mind coming over?" and give the emotions we have now a farewell kiss and it will all be well and settled? So you expect us to say, "Goodbye sadness! I think I don't want you around any more! I prefer happiness!" And everything will work out? And we will be happy ever after, achieving a complete expulsion of death and sadness and all that is consuming us, suffocating and drowning us at this moment? You really believe that is possible, right? It's really easy to stop thinking about death. It's really easy to cheer up and be happy. Really. Indeed.

3. If you really want to die, then kill yourself NOW! Why are you still here? You don't have the guts to do it. You're just being a whiny bitch.

*spewing fumes*


Ok. *breathe in, breathe out*

I am resisting the urge to march out onto the streets this instance with a chopper and carry out a massacre. Sorry.

You know what? In my opinion, YOU are a bitch.

I assume you think that suicide is really easy to carry out and just get over and done with.

Bitch: Of course just shoot yourself or find a tall place to jump! IT'S SO GODDAMN SIMPLE

*slaps bitch*


Living as a suicidal - In defense of ASH

Last thing to remember :

Life is voluntary

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