The irony. So, it's a week away from the friggin June holidays. I bet if you're a normal kid you'll be like " OMF LET'S CELEBRATE IT"S FINALLY THE HOLIDAYS MAN!". Unfortunately, as you might have known, I am not quite typical, so my reaction is " OMF WTH??? GODAMMIT! THE FKING HOLIDAYS! HELL NO ". The reason for this stark contrast is the fact that my home actually resembles an asylum. That is, you're supposed to be happy there but you end up having a hard time maintaining your sanity. When your parents have gotten some water into their head it's a rather difficult job to savage them. Then your mom has got to be a bxtch and your dad is a bastard and you're like " Quick get me out of this hellhole before I die ( which is highly likely to be the case that I depart prematurely ) ". One such situation is
Me : Peacefully reading a book
Mom : Comes home from work
WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS READING THOSE GODDAMN BOOKS OF YOURS??? *Takes book and flings it across the room*
Me : Red with fury
Can you have some sense? Stop being a bitch! *Attempts to walk over and pick up book*
Mom : *Grabs me and tries to rip it from my hands again*
Horrible fight taking place...
Me : Gives *I-surrender-now-can-you-please-shut-up-and-stop* look and tries to walk away into room
Mom : *Yells like a banshee and tells me to not be a rude and ungrateful brat and stop right there*
More fighting...
Mom : *Goes into room, phones Dad and sobs to him*
Me : *Left with a bruise and a gash, takes the chance to go to room while wondering whether Mom should consider going to IMH*
Above is a brief description of the sad, pathetic and miserable life of Eileen at home. Hence this explains why she would rather stay in school permanently 24/7 rather than go home, where she might go crazy herself. She is currently very disgusted by Mr Yeo, her mentor, over an eminent catastrophe he has caused. She shall elaborate more in the next post regarding the collision of two worlds because Mom is now screaming at her to go out for dinner. She says goodbye to whoever is reading this and wishes you have a nice day.
"We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils." Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. I can fear death no longer, I' ve died a thousand times. PLEASE PROCEED TO EILEEN.COMXA.COM
Darling You'll Be Okay

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