Darling You'll Be Okay

Darling You'll Be Okay

Saturday, May 16, 2015

When I am gone

Dedicated to my parents, after my departure from Planet Earth It's not my fault I didn't choose to be born It's not your fault either so you don't have to mourn It's something which both parties long knew It has happened and I don't blame you You might not realize but I was on my own Through the journey of life I walked alone You didn't like my attitude but I wasn't being rude The stakes were too high to let you intrude In my heart I knew you also had it rough So I made my leave 'cos all this is enough You draped me with an acid-soaked rug When I need understanding like a drug I don't know, maybe it's in our blood But your words drowned me like a flood All this while it felt like I was stuck Maybe it could've gotten better with more luck I think I just enclosed myself in a bubble Because you know, I hate trouble I don't know, that's just how everything goes Maybe one day you'll have another child who knows I wanted to, it's just that I cannot To let go of the past that I never forgot I apologize that it's now you have to wait until But let me make it clear that words do kill


  1. Hey Eileen,Parents are so flawed and un-understanding right.Especially when You need them,its okay babe- One day they will understand but that day is so far away..Its okay,You have Your friends,you have me.It will be okay.im not lying.It will be okay if we make it okay..My strength is at your disposal.Just hold on a bit more okay? We will make a plan.i help you because You are worth it.Take care Eileen..my friend.We will talk soon

    1. Anupam when are you coming back when when when


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