"We're all in the same game, just different levels. Dealing with the same hell, just different devils." Everyone wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die. I can fear death no longer, I' ve died a thousand times. PLEASE PROCEED TO EILEEN.COMXA.COM
Darling You'll Be Okay

Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Ok. I love transboykilljoy. He's this trans kid on EP, and we were best friends. Then he went and he never came back. I was sad to lose him and I'm really wishing he would actually come back but probably he isn't like quietnastyguy or hamncheese. So, yeah. But our words are pretty much the same. I'm a bxtch if you aren't my friend. Like omfg don't touch me. Don't touch my stuff or even talk to me. Idc who you are or how popular you are. Don't fvcking touch me. Don't fvcking talk to me. I will go off. 'Cos if nothing nice is going to come out of your mouth then heck keep it fvcking shut, ok? Oh yeah and Gabrianna. She hasn't been back since Feb, and I guess she's probably busy but anyway missed her. And top of it all I miss Mira. Wish she talks to me too. Hell miserable life I have now with me. Can't go home 'cos of the shit there and kenna have to stay in school ( deserted school since everyone went home ) alone hanging out with no humans but phone and books. Which is kinda good but I just feel miserable. And it's always stormy, dark and utterly depressing afternoons. It feels like the heavens are telling me " 'ey yer life is alotta o' misery, end it " so I'm like fvck why not and I miss Anupam too. When will you be back? I miss everyone. All those on EP who had gone and never returned. Leaving behind an unsealed mystery and hanging hopes - no goodbyes, no end-off. I wish people can stop doing this to me. One day I would be really happy because I found someone who gets me and we're like sworn sisters or something and the next day I don't hear a word again or they have deleted their account. It feels so horribly shit, you know. To have safety and assurance, and that feeling of family. Then have it robbed from you once more, leaving you devoid of feelings, another empty cast. Like I give you a blanket when you're freezing and you warm up and feel loved and surrounded by comfort and wrapped up in a nice lovely drifting bubble then I rip the blanket off you and the bubble pops and you land on the cold ground with a nasty thud and you break a little, somewhere. Don't do this to people. Think how it would be if that's you.
I liked Your rant,very heartfelt..it mentioned me.:) Xie Xie.I was wondering when Anupam is going to come up.
ReplyDeleteIm sorry they left You.
I dont know about the other friends but Mira is not talking as she told me she is having some problems and She does not want to be a bad influence on You.She loves you.So is protecting You from herself.
As for Anupam,I broke my device and am using someone elses device just to contact You.In my defense,Ive sent You messages!
We do care Yi Lin..
*picks Yu off the ground and gives warm blanket and bubble and hug
Whats up at home? Parents fight?
Waiting to hear from Yu.
P.S Do You read the responses You get? O.o
Obviously I do. so in this case I shall say Anupam and Mira are excused. *appreciates warm blanket and bubble and hug and comments by dear Sir Enlightener*